/* * connectingStuff, Oregon Scientific v2.1 Emitter * http://connectingstuff.net/blog/encodage-protocoles-oregon-scientific-sur-arduino/ * * Copyright (C) 2013 olivier.lebrun@gmail.com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "LowPower.h" #include #define DS18B20 0x28 // Adresse 1-Wire du DS18B20 #define BROCHE_ONEWIRE 10 // Broche utilisée pour le bus 1-Wire OneWire ds(BROCHE_ONEWIRE); // Création de l'objet OneWire ds #define THN132N const byte TX_PIN = 3; const unsigned long TIME = 512; const unsigned long TWOTIME = TIME*2; #define SEND_HIGH() digitalWrite(TX_PIN, HIGH) #define SEND_LOW() digitalWrite(TX_PIN, LOW) // Buffer for Oregon message #ifdef THN132N byte OregonMessageBuffer[8]; #else byte OregonMessageBuffer[9]; #endif /** * \brief Send logical "0" over RF * \details azero bit be represented by an off-to-on transition * \ of the RF signal at the middle of a clock period. * \ Remenber, the Oregon v2.1 protocol add an inverted bit first */ inline void sendZero(void) { SEND_HIGH(); delayMicroseconds(TIME); SEND_LOW(); delayMicroseconds(TWOTIME); SEND_HIGH(); delayMicroseconds(TIME); } /** * \brief Send logical "1" over RF * \details a one bit be represented by an on-to-off transition * \ of the RF signal at the middle of a clock period. * \ Remenber, the Oregon v2.1 protocol add an inverted bit first */ inline void sendOne(void) { SEND_LOW(); delayMicroseconds(TIME); SEND_HIGH(); delayMicroseconds(TWOTIME); SEND_LOW(); delayMicroseconds(TIME); } /** * Send a bits quarter (4 bits = MSB from 8 bits value) over RF * * @param data Source data to process and sent */ /** * \brief Send a bits quarter (4 bits = MSB from 8 bits value) over RF * \param data Data to send */ inline void sendQuarterMSB(const byte data) { (bitRead(data, 4)) ? sendOne() : sendZero(); (bitRead(data, 5)) ? sendOne() : sendZero(); (bitRead(data, 6)) ? sendOne() : sendZero(); (bitRead(data, 7)) ? sendOne() : sendZero(); } /** * \brief Send a bits quarter (4 bits = LSB from 8 bits value) over RF * \param data Data to send */ inline void sendQuarterLSB(const byte data) { (bitRead(data, 0)) ? sendOne() : sendZero(); (bitRead(data, 1)) ? sendOne() : sendZero(); (bitRead(data, 2)) ? sendOne() : sendZero(); (bitRead(data, 3)) ? sendOne() : sendZero(); } /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /** * \brief Send a buffer over RF * \param data Data to send * \param size size of data to send */ void sendData(byte *data, byte size) { for(byte i = 0; i < size; ++i) { sendQuarterLSB(data[i]); sendQuarterMSB(data[i]); } } /** * \brief Send an Oregon message * \param data The Oregon message */ void sendOregon(byte *data, byte size) { sendPreamble(); //sendSync(); sendData(data, size); sendPostamble(); } /** * \brief Send preamble * \details The preamble consists of 16 "1" bits */ inline void sendPreamble(void) { byte PREAMBLE[]={0xFF,0xFF}; sendData(PREAMBLE, 2); } /** * \brief Send postamble * \details The postamble consists of 8 "0" bits */ inline void sendPostamble(void) { #ifdef THN132N sendQuarterLSB(0x00); #else byte POSTAMBLE[]={0x00}; sendData(POSTAMBLE, 1); #endif } /** * \brief Send sync nibble * \details The sync is 0xA. It is not use in this version since the sync nibble * \ is include in the Oregon message to send. */ inline void sendSync(void) { sendQuarterLSB(0xA); } /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /** * \brief Set the sensor type * \param data Oregon message * \param type Sensor type */ inline void setType(byte *data, byte* type) { data[0] = type[0]; data[1] = type[1]; } /** * \brief Set the sensor channel * \param data Oregon message * \param channel Sensor channel (0x10, 0x20, 0x30) */ inline void setChannel(byte *data, byte channel) { data[2] = channel; } /** * \brief Set the sensor ID * \param data Oregon message * \param ID Sensor unique ID */ inline void setId(byte *data, byte ID) { data[3] = ID; } /** * \brief Set the sensor battery level * \param data Oregon message * \param level Battery level (0 = low, 1 = high) */ void setBatteryLevel(byte *data, byte level) { if(!level) data[4] = 0x0C; else data[4] = 0x00; } /** * \brief Set the sensor temperature * \param data Oregon message * \param temp the temperature */ void setTemperature(byte *data, float temp) { // Set temperature sign if(temp < 0) { data[6] = 0x08; temp *= -1; } else { data[6] = 0x00; } // Determine decimal and float part int tempInt = (int)temp; int td = (int)(tempInt / 10); int tf = (int)round((float)((float)tempInt/10 - (float)td) * 10); int tempFloat = (int)round((float)(temp - (float)tempInt) * 10); // Set temperature decimal part data[5] = (td << 4); data[5] |= tf; // Set temperature float part data[4] |= (tempFloat << 4); } /** * \brief Set the sensor humidity * \param data Oregon message * \param hum the humidity */ void setHumidity(byte* data, byte hum) { data[7] = (hum/10); data[6] |= (hum - data[7]*10) << 4; } /** * \brief Sum data for checksum * \param count number of bit to sum * \param data Oregon message */ int Sum(byte count, const byte* data) { int s = 0; for(byte i = 0; i> 4; s += (data[i]&0xF); } if(int(count) != count) s += (data[count]&0xF0) >> 4; return s; } /** * \brief Calculate checksum * \param data Oregon message */ void calculateAndSetChecksum(byte* data) { #ifdef THN132N int s = ((Sum(6, data) + (data[6]&0xF) - 0xa) & 0xff); data[6] |= (s&0x0F) << 4; data[7] = (s&0xF0) >> 4; #else data[8] = ((Sum(8, data) - 0xa) & 0xFF); #endif } /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ // Fonction récupérant la température depuis le DS18B20 // Retourne true si tout va bien, ou false en cas d'erreur boolean getTemperature(float *temp){ byte data[9], addr[8]; // data : Données lues depuis le scratchpad // addr : adresse du module 1-Wire détecté if (!ds.search(addr)) { // Recherche un module 1-Wire ds.reset_search(); // Réinitialise la recherche de module return false; // Retourne une erreur } if (OneWire::crc8(addr, 7) != addr[7]) // Vérifie que l'adresse a été correctement reçue return false; // Si le message est corrompu on retourne une erreur if (addr[0] != DS18B20) // Vérifie qu'il s'agit bien d'un DS18B20 return false; // Si ce n'est pas le cas on retourne une erreur ds.reset(); // On reset le bus 1-Wire ds.select(addr); // On sélectionne le DS18B20 ds.write(0x44, 1); // On lance une prise de mesure de température delay(1000); // Et on attend la fin de la mesure ds.reset(); // On reset le bus 1-Wire ds.select(addr); // On sélectionne le DS18B20 ds.write(0xBE); // On envoie une demande de lecture du scratchpad for (byte i = 0; i < 9; i++) // On lit le scratchpad data[i] = ds.read(); // Et on stock les octets reçus // Calcul de la température en degré Celsius *temp = ((data[1] << 8) | data[0]) * 0.0625; // Pas d'erreur return true; } /******************************************************************/ void setup() { digitalWrite(13,LOW); pinMode(TX_PIN, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(38400); Serial.println("\n[Oregon V2.1 encoder]"); SEND_LOW(); #ifdef THN132N // Create the Oregon message for a temperature only sensor (TNHN132N) byte ID[] = {0xEA,0x4C}; #else // Create the Oregon message for a temperature/humidity sensor (THGR2228N) byte ID[] = {0x1A,0x2D}; #endif setType(OregonMessageBuffer, ID); setChannel(OregonMessageBuffer, 0x20); setId(OregonMessageBuffer, 0xBB); } void loop() { // Get Temperature, humidity and battery level from sensors float temp; if (getTemperature(&temp)) { Serial.print("Temperature : ");Serial.print(temp);Serial.write(176); // caractère ° Serial.write('C'); Serial.println(); // (ie: 1wire DS18B20 for température, ...) setBatteryLevel(OregonMessageBuffer, 0); // 0 : low, 1 : high setTemperature(OregonMessageBuffer, temp); #ifndef THN132N // Set Humidity setHumidity(OregonMessageBuffer, 52); #endif // Calculate the checksum calculateAndSetChecksum(OregonMessageBuffer); // Show the Oregon Message for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof(OregonMessageBuffer); ++i) { Serial.print(OregonMessageBuffer[i] >> 4, HEX); Serial.print(OregonMessageBuffer[i] & 0x0F, HEX); } // Send the Message over RF sendOregon(OregonMessageBuffer, sizeof(OregonMessageBuffer)); // Send a "pause" SEND_LOW(); delayMicroseconds(TWOTIME*8); // Send a copie of the first message. The v2.1 protocol send the // message two time sendOregon(OregonMessageBuffer, sizeof(OregonMessageBuffer)); // Wait for 30 seconds before send a new message SEND_LOW(); } else { Serial.println("getTemperature failed"); } LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF); LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF); LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF); LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF); //delay(30000); }