Août 232015

A new version is out.
Manu additions and bug fixes.

changed : use IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX to retrieve part size when backuping/restoring/cloning
changed : common code for prep source and prep dest when backuping/restoring
added : vdh informations
modified : copyfile uses xcopy only if psexec not in the folder
added : get boot sector work with \\.\PhysicalDrivex syntax
added : reach boot sector from partition table
modified : get_bs and set_bs now get an offset optional parameter (to possibly skip asking the user)
modified : can create more than one gpt partition
added : can modify a gpt partition type
added : can modify a gpt partition attributes
added : can create a virtual disk (raw) in mb/kb/byes
fixed : taborder in mbr and bs form
fixed : config called later in formcreate
added: enable_advanced=1 option in config
fixed : _restore_bs to work with \\.\PhysicalDrivex syntax
added : lock & dismount volume(s) when writing BS to physicaldrive
todo : prep drive before cloning
modified : getdrive works will all medias
modified : _get_infos will not crash on GetDriveLayoutEX (x32)
modified : increased getdrivelayoutex buffer size (x32)
added : extra partition types in part editor (x32)
modified : grayed out menus based on gpt/mbr in part editor (x32)
modified : check on total size in wipe (x32)
modified : change backup_drive signature (mode parameter removed) (x32)
modified : backup_drive signature now accepts offset parameter (x32)
modified : restore_drive signature now accepts size & offset parameters (x32)
added : can backup/restore from part editor (x32)
added : disks in gray in main window (x32)
modified : disks and parts are displayed by default (x32)

 Posted by at 15 h 02 min

  2 Responses to “CloneDisk 2.3.3”

  1. Hi Erwan
    I just found the reboot thread about zDInfo and CloneDisk, so I tried CloneDisk (haven’t played with it yet much). This is just a quick not to say that my Corsair GT flash drive is reported as Removable: False by clonedisk but it should be reported as a removable drive. Maybe something is wrong?

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