Déc 262017

Lately I decided to flash my Linksys wrt1200ac with dd-wrt as Linksys obviously dropped support for this nice hardware (no more firmware updates for a long time).
Not to mention that the vendor firmware is extremely basic (not to say limited…).

Once I had flashed the device with the proper firmware, next step for me was to monitor bandwidth from my domotic/monitoring box (jeedom).

The most obvious track was snmp (dd-wrt feature) – Helas, the snmp daemon does not implement counter64 snmp values so this is useless.
Next step was to use some curl/awk/grep script like curl -u root:password, etc but the web pages heavily rely on javascript so here again, curl was a dead end.

I finally resorted to remotely read values from the device nvram using a script around ssh : not the most elegant way, but the only one I could work out.

The below will retrieve the day/month/year value from my Linksys wrt1200ac based on dd-wrt.
Note, I had to use ssh-keygen & ssh-copy-id to be able to ssh without having to provide a password.
Or alternatively, copy the root id_rsa.pub public key to the wrt authorized keys (tip: use sudo su on rpi to switch to your root account).

read YYYY MM DD <<<$(date +'%Y %m %d')
#echo 'nvram get traff-'$MM'-'$YYYY
sudo ssh root@ -q 'nvram get traff-'$MM'-'$YYYY | awk '{print $'$DD'}' | awk -F ":" '{print $1}'

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