Nov 022018

See previous article to understand why and what.

Previously we have created our master / parent disk.

Lets now create our differencing / child disks using our host (windows 8.1) virtual disk capabilities.

Lets do it in one batch.

rem list disks before
vmount disks
rem create child1 against parent iscsi.vhd
vmount createchild e:\_images\child1.vhd e:\_images\iscsi.vhd
rem create child2 against parent iscsi.vhd
vmount createchild e:\_images\child2.vhd e:\_images\iscsi.vhd
rem attach child1 without assigning any letter to it
vmount attach e:\_images\child1.vhd noletter
rem attach child2 without assigning any letter to it
vmount attach e:\_images\child2.vhd noletter
rem list disks
vmount disks
rem check attributes of disk2
vmount attributes 2
rem check attributes of disk3
vmount attributes 3
rem disk3 is most probably offline because of disk signature collision between disk2 and disk3
rem lets force it online : windows will generate a new signature
rem make sure to use a BCD using LOCATE and not using disk signature or else bootmgr will error
rem more about locate here
vmount online 3

Notice how the second virtual disk now has a different signature (since we forced it online…).

 Posted by at 15 h 19 min

  One Response to “Having fun with StarWind Virtual SAN Free and differencing virtual disks : article #2”

  1. […] the master / parent disk –create the differencing / child disks -boot diskless computers over the network using these child […]

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