Jan 042019

Windows uses multiple mechanisms to resolve local hostnames : local hosts file, DNS, netbios name service, LLMNR.
When a host does not exist in the local hosts file or DNS server, windows then broadcast/multicast the request using UDP protocol.
This means we can (1) capture these requests and (2) spoof a response over UDP.

xDNS Sniffer is demo, written in delphi7, using windows raw sockets (receiving and sending) to capture and spoof NBT-NS and LLMNR to abuse local name resolution.
Sending spoofed packets is possible because these protocols are using UDP.
This code is variant/built upon previous demo discussed here.

Code can be found on Github.

Binary can be downloaded here.

Command line is : snif localip name_to_spoof.
snif.exe WPAD (will abuse WPAD requests and send back local ip)
snif.exe * (will abuse all local requests and send back local ip)

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