Oct 312017
added : new option wsMinimized in config.ini to start the app minimized
fixed : @mac,@ip,@arch added to dhcp_offer (was only dhcp_ack before)
fixed : pool start correct when opt54 set in ini file
todo : send arch in dhcp offer
added : @opt54 variable next to @mac,@ip,@arch -> similar to ${next-server} in ipxe
fixed : next server passed to send_dhcpoffer and send_dhcpack
added : will add a scrollbar when active monitor height <=600
added : vscroll=1 in config.ini will force a vertical scrollbar
fixed : option 6 dns server was wrong when choosing a different NIC
added : arch will be taken into account in the dhcp offer as well
fixed : tftpd can be disabled again in config.ini
added : will select the active nic in the opt54 combo box
modified : 2 more fields hidden and moved to the advanced part of the form
fixed : log to file is disabled
added : a syslog server is included in the zip file (syslog= in the config.ini)

Discuss it here.
Download here.

 Posted by at 20 h 10 min
Oct 312017
added : root can be an http url (netboot for debian, ubuntu, …)
fixed : stream.free on udp transfer complete
added : can log to a syslog server (add syslog=host in config.ini)
fixed : non critical udp socket errors would stop the dhcp daemon
added : in analysedata, will exit loop as soon as a dhcp message is found
added : in analysedata, will prevent (byte)offset>255
added : offline button will terminatethread if still active (53,67,4011)
fixed : no more high cpu usage on random occasions
added : new options skip_dhcp_inform & skip_dhcp_discarded
added : forcerenew dhcp messages logged

Discuss it here.
Download here.

 Posted by at 20 h 09 min
Fév 112017

Following a post from 2014 about booting Winpe over PXE on a UEFI computer, see below a different way to proceed.

-Disable secureboot (or else you’ll need to use a signed bootloader)
-Retrieve latest version of IPXE for UEFI, ipxe-snponly-x86-64.efi and rename it bootia64.efi
-run the following command against your BCD : bcdedit.exe /store BCD /set {bootmgr} nointegritychecks yes
-Use the below wimboot.ipxe script based on Wimboot
-set Tiny PXE Server as below screenshot


set boot-url http://${dhcp-server}
kernel ${boot-url}/wimboot
initrd ${boot-url}/bootmgfw.efi bootmgfw.efi
initrd ${boot-url}/EFI/MICROSOFT/BOOT/BCD BCD
initrd ${boot-url}/BOOT/BOOT.SDI BOOT.SDI
initrd ${boot-url}/SOURCES/BOOT.WIM BOOT.WIM

 Posted by at 15 h 26 min  Tagged with:
Déc 282016

DNSPING uses windows dnsquery function to measure the time it takes for a nameserver to process and reply to your dns query.

This can be useful to monitor and/or troubleshoot DNS performance issues.

Result can easily be piped into a text file and later processed by excel or libreoffice calc (fixed space delimiter).

dnsping www.google.fr 5
timestamp query result ttl duration
00:59:11 www.google.fr [] TTL:219 time:47
00:59:16 www.google.fr [] TTL:214 time:0
00:59:21 www.google.fr [] TTL:209 time:0
00:59:26 www.google.fr [] TTL:204 time:15

Tool can be downloaded here.


Mai 102014



 Posted by at 20 h 13 min
Mar 232014

This is IpTools Version 2.

Version 1 started in 1999 (initially written in VB6, then rewritten in Delphi).
The developpement was very active at first (the first 6 years).
Then life went busy and the tool did not evolve much apart from bug fixes.
Original page for version 1 is here.

I have decided to give it a second chance, first in rewritting completely the interface which was initially build around a network sniffer.
I also removed all screens which I believe were not related to network matters.
Next step is to review all components used and migrate to Delphi XE 32/64 bits.

The tool is now divided in 6 categories (for now) over 50 screens (!) :
-Microsoft Services

Here below some screenshot which should be self explanatory :







Download it here
Contact me here

 Posted by at 20 h 52 min
Sep 062013

needed :
tiny pxe server

1/open ubuntu.iso in winrar or 7zip (or any other iso reading capable tool).
extract casper folder to x:\pxe\iso\ubuntu.13.04 (or any path that suit you)

2/launch winnfsd with the following :
winnfsd.exe -id 0 0 x:\pxe\iso\ubuntu.13.04
note : adapt the above path with your own path

3/use the below ipxe script :

set boot-url http://${dhcp-server}
kernel ${boot-url}/ISO/ubuntu.13.04/casper/vmlinuz root=/dev/nfs boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot=${dhcp-server}:/x/ISO/ubuntu.13.04 ip=dhcp ro
initrd ${boot-url}/ISO/ubuntu.13.04/casper/initrd.lz

note : adapt /x/pxe/ISO/ubuntu.13.04 to your own path.
name it ubuntu.ipxe and put it in x:\pxe

4/put ipxe-undionly.kpxe in x:\pxe

5/launch tiny pxe server with the following settings (leave other settings untouched) :
tick « httpd »
boot filename = ipxe-undionly.kpxe (use the browse files and folders « … » button)
tick « filename if user-class=gPXE or iPXE » = http://${dhcp-server}/ubuntu.ipxe
push the online button

6/pxe boot your computer and here we go

 Posted by at 22 h 43 min
Sep 012013

Latest version now support ProxyDHCP features.

In short :

TinyPXE Server can now co exist « peacefully » with another dhcp server on the same LAN.
No more race conditions where first one (dhcp server) to answer wins the lease.

With ProxyDHCP option enable, TinyPXE Server will now « only » provide the boot file name information (and only to proxydhcp clients) : the client will then use/combine the dhcp offers from both servers (lease+boot file name).

Tested with success with the following boot straps : ipxe , gpxe , pxelinux , startrom.0 , pxeboot.com …

Discuss it here at reboot.pro.

More info around PXE here.



 Posted by at 21 h 02 min
Août 122013

I have been playing with pxe booting for a while, first starting with pxelinux, then gpxe and lately with ipxe.

I am mostly a windows user and as an IT often needs a quick (=no install) and portable (=run from USB) dhcp server including a tftp server and a http server offering me then pxe booting.
I could use tftp32 or serva but i like to make my own tools and these 2 were missing some features here and there.

So here comes a small portable dhcp server including a tftp and a http server.

This is freeware (and will always be), should be opensource and the unique here idea is to share and contribute.

-dhcp daemon supports an alternative filename based on the user-class thus enabling chainloading (gpxe->pxelinux, ipxe->script, etc), and also support settings dhcp options (which can then be used by your boot loader)
-tftp daemon supports tsize and blksize commands.
-http daemon support head, range (mandatory for ipxe sanboot options) and over 2gb iso.
-new in version : BINL (RIS & WDS) support
-new in version : DNS daemon

The root home of tftp and http is the folder where you main pxe loader sits.
I put all my iso files in a sub folder called images.
I put all my wim files in a sub folder called sources.
I put all my other loaders, in case I want to chain load, in next to my main loader (bootmgr, pxelinux, gpxe, grldr, etc)

In the attached screenshot, i load ipxe then chainloads a script (menu.ipxe).
In the script 3 different methods : the classic memdisk, a newer approach with sanboot and a new kid on the block wimboot.

More info about these loading methods here :

Side note about ipxe+sanboot+http : I am big fan.
I have always been looking for a quick and efficient boot from lan methods and this is one is great : executes as it read and faster than memdisk since no preloading of the ISO is required.
iPXE reaches 50/60 MBits/secs on my lan.

« Voila ».

Download : http://reboot.pro/files/file/303-tiny-pxe-server/


 Posted by at 13 h 38 min