Previously we have built a HTTP server.
This time, lets build a HTTPS server.
The main difference compared to previous article is that this time, we need an object of type TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL to provide certificates details and to handle the ssl part (client hello, server hello, etc).
Main code below.
IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.CertFile := 'device.crt';
IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.KeyFile := 'device.key';
//IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := 'rootca.pem'; //optional since cert is signed with rootca is added to local ca authorities
IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.Mode := sslmServer;
IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.VerifyMode := [];
IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.VerifyDepth := 0;
if rbtlsv12.Checked then IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.SSLVersions := [sslvTLSv1_2];
if rbtlsv11.Checked then IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.SSLVersions := [sslvTLSv1_1];
if rbtlsv10.Checked then IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.SSLVersions := [sslvTLSv1];
if rbsslv3.Checked then IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.SSLVersions := [sslvSSLv3 ];
IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1.OnGetPassword := GetPassword; //not needed if we dont have a password on our cert
IdTCPServer1.DefaultPort := SERVER_PORT;
IdTCPServer1.IOHandler := IdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL1;
IdTCPServer1.OnConnect := ServerConnect;
IdTCPServer1.OnExecute := ServerExecute;
IdTCPServer1.Active := True;
memResults.Lines.Add ('start');
Code is on github.
About the certificate part:
-generate the root ca (and add it to your client root ca’s)
openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 2048
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out rootCA.pem
-generate a csr (only the CN field matters and must match your local site – example : localhost or
openssl genrsa -out device.key 2048
openssl req -new -key device.key -out device.csr
-use the root ca to generate a client cert from a csr
openssl x509 -req -in device.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out device.crt -days 500 -sha256