Fév 172019

In previous article we installed indy 10 in Lazarus.

Lets now build a lightweigth HTTP server.

All it is really is a tcp server listening on port 80, parsing the incoming request and sending back the content of the requested file.

All the « magic » really happens below.

lCmdLine := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadLn;
memResults.Lines.Add (lCmdLine);
if lCmdLine<>'' then
uri := StringReplace (lCmdLine ,'GET ','',[]);
uri := copy(uri,1,pos(' ',uri )-1);
uri :=StringReplace (uri,'/','',[]);;
if FileExists(uri)
then AContext.Connection.IOHandler.WriteFile(uri)
else AContext.Connection.IOHandler.Writeln('file not found');

Source code can be found on github.

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