Août 122013

Why go for such an arduino when the Uno and Nano are available?
First because it is much smaller, then because it also uses much less power (due to the missing FTDI chip).

The pro mini can be found here for about 6 € : .
The usb dongle can be found here for about 2 € : .

Below the wiring. As mentionned, since the usb dongle does not have a reset feature, press reset on the arduino right between the compiling and uploading part in the Arduino Gui.


In the Arduino Gui, dont forget to select the right card i.e « arduino pro or pro mini 5v / 16 mhz / atmega328).



 Posted by at 13 h 35 min
Fév 102013

I wanted to find a way to call my kids, with me sitting on ground floor and them, sitting on the top floor of the house.

2 arduino, one acting as transmitter, one acting as receiver and here we go : they would not ignore me anymore 🙂

Lets start the transmitter (schema and code) : it has a push button to send the signal and a led to indicate it is transmitting.



const int led_pin = 11;
//const int transmit_pin = 4;
//const int transmit_en_pin = 3;
const int transmit_pin = 3;
//const int transmit_en_pin = 3;
const int buttonPin=2;

void setup()

   pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);        // sets the digital pin as output
  pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output
    Serial.begin(9600);	// Debugging only
  // Initialise the IO and ISR
  //vw_set_ptt_inverted(true); // Required for DR3100
  vw_setup(2400);	 // Bits per sec

byte count = 1;

void loop()
  int reading = digitalRead(buttonPin);
  if(reading==HIGH) {
  digitalWrite(led_pin, HIGH); // Flash a light to show transmitting
 char msg[7] = {'h','e','l','l','o',' ','#'};
  vw_send((uint8_t *)msg, strlen(msg)+1);
  vw_wait_tx(); // Wait until the whole message is gone
  count = count + 1;
  digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW);

Next comes the receiver : it has a buzzer playing a small melody and a led blinking to indicate it is receiving.



const int led_pin = 8;
const int receive_pin = 3; //2
const int buzzer=11;

// tableau de mémorisation des notes de la mélodie
int melody[] = { NOTE_C4, NOTE_G3,NOTE_G3, NOTE_A3, NOTE_G3,0, NOTE_B3, NOTE_C4};

// tableau de mémorisation de la durée des notes : 4 = noire, 8 = croche, etc.:
int noteDurations[] = {4, 8, 8, 4,4,4,4,4 };
  void play(){
    // boucle pour parcourir les notes de la mélodie
  for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 8; thisNote++) { // thisNote de 0 à 7 

    // pour calculer la durée de la note, on divise 1 seconde par le type de la note
    //ainsi noire = 1000 / 4 sec, croche = 1000/8 sec, etc...
    int noteDuration = 1000/noteDurations[thisNote];

    // joue la note sur la broche x pendant la durée voulue
    tone(buzzer, melody[thisNote],noteDuration);

    // pour distinguer les notes, laisser une pause entre elles
    // la durée de la note + 30% fonctionne bien :
    int pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 1.30;
    delay(pauseBetweenNotes); // delai entre les notes

    // stoppe la production de son sur la broche 8 :

void setup()
   pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT);        // sets the digital pin as output
  pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output
    Serial.begin(9600);	// Debugging only

    // Initialise the IO and ISR
    //vw_set_ptt_inverted(true); // Required for DR3100
    vw_setup(2400);	 // Bits per sec
    vw_rx_start();       // Start the receiver PLL running

void loop()
    uint8_t buf[VW_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];
    uint8_t buflen = VW_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN;

    if (vw_get_message(buf, &buflen)) // Non-blocking
	int i;

	// Message with a good checksum received, print it.
	Serial.print("Got: ");
	for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++)
	    Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
	    Serial.print(' ');
        Serial.print(' ');
        for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++)
	    Serial.print(' ');
        digitalWrite(led_pin, HIGH);delay(1500);digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW);delay(1500);
        digitalWrite(led_pin, HIGH);delay(1500);digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW);delay(1500);       

Voila !

 Posted by at 23 h 46 min
Fév 092013

This time lets play with Arduino and a ps2 keyboard.

For the record here comes the ps2 male connectors :


A quick schema :


The sketch :


#define KBD_CLK_PIN  3
#define KBD_DATA_PIN 4

PS2Keyboard keyboard;

void setup ( )

void loop ( )
  if(keyboard.available()) {
    // reading the "extra" bits is optional
    byte   extra = keyboard.read_extra(); // must read extra before reading the character byte
    char c =;
    boolean ctrl = extra & 1;  //  is bit 0
    boolean  alt = extra & 2;  //   is bit 1
    if (ctrl) Serial.print('^');
    if (alt)  Serial.print('_');
    //if      (c==PS2_KC_UP)      Serial.print("up\n");
    //if (c==PS2_KC_DOWN)    Serial.print("down\n");
    //if (c==PS2_KC_BKSP)    Serial.print("backspace\n");
    //if (c==PS2_KC_ESC)   { Serial.print("escape and reset\n"); keyboard.reset(); }
    Serial.print(c);   //lets print last input char to our serial monitor

(the PS2Keyboard library : PS2Keyboard)

A picture (i used female – male proto wires so that I did not have to cut out my ps2 keyboard wire).


 Posted by at 22 h 04 min
Fév 042013

Last time we have seen how to use an arduino and a 16*2 lcd screen.
Now lets see to use an arduino and a tvout to a small display screen (2.5 inches) using a RCA connector.

First the wiring


Then the code


TVout TV;
unsigned char x, y;

void setup ( )
  TV.start_render( _PAL );

void loop ( )
  TV.clear_screen ( );
  TV.print_str ( 10, 10, "Hello World!!!" );
  TV.delay ( 60 );

TvOut lib can be found here

And finally a picture

 Posted by at 21 h 43 min
Jan 242013

I got my arduino for a few days now and here comes my first adventure :
use an arduino + a lcd + a RTC to display a clock.

First lets go with the wiring :


Then the code :

// ds1302 library can be found here :
// DS1302: RST / CE pin - Arduino Digital 12
// I/O / DAT pin - Arduino Digital 11
// SCLK pin - Arduino Digital 10
// LCD: DB7 - Arduino Digital 7
// DB6 - Arduino Digital 6
// DB5 - Arduino Digital 5
// DB4 - Arduino Digital 4
// RS - Arduino Digital 8
// E - Arduino Digital 9
// RW to ground?

//seems it is better to NOT plug VCC when setting the clock...


// Init the DS1302
//DS1302(ce, data, clock);
DS1302 rtc(12,11,10);

// Init the LCD
LiquidCrystal lcd( 8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7 );

void set_time() {
rtc.setDOW(SUNDAY); // Set Day-of-Week to FRIDAY
rtc.setTime(19, 2, 0); // Set the time to 12:00:00 (24hr format)
rtc.setDate(13, 1, 2013); // Set the date to August 6th, 2010

void setup()
// Set the clock to run-mode, and disable the write protection
// Setup LCD to 16x2 characters
lcd.begin(16, 2);

// The following lines can be commented out to use the values already stored in the DS1302

void loop()
// Display time centered on the upper line
lcd.setCursor(4, 0);

// Display abbreviated Day-of-Week in the lower left corner
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

// Display date in the lower right corner
lcd.setCursor(6, 1);

Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");

// Wait one second before repeating :)
delay (1000);

And finally a nice picture to illustrate it :

Hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did 🙂


 Posted by at 21 h 52 min