Mar 162014
I got myself a rotary potentiometer at and decided to come up with a basic article.
First, lets have a quick look at the below schematic to understand how a potentiometer works.
Now, lets plug it to our arduino and while we are it, lets use its retrieved value (thru analogread) to dim a led (thru analogwrite).
Now lets have a look at the arduino sketch
byte potPin=0; //Analog 0 connected to the potentiometer byte LEDPin=6; //Connected to LED on Pin 6 float potValue=0; //Value returned from the potentiometer float v=0; //voltage (0-5v) void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(LEDPin, OUTPUT); //Set Pin 6 as an Output } void loop(){ potValue = analogRead(potPin)/4; //Read the potentiometer, convert it to 0 - 255 Serial.println(potValue,0); v=potValue*5/255; //to calculate the voltage send out on pin6 Serial.println(v, 2); analogWrite(LEDPin, potValue); //Write the converted potentiometer value to LED pin delay(100); }
here we go : rotate your potentiometer and see your led dim in and out