Oct 292023

Get your binaries from here.

On your source host, generate a ssh key pair (private and public) : ssh-keygen

Copy your public key on your target host

Add your public key to authorized keys on your target host : cat id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys

SFTP from your source to target host using your private key : sftp –ip= –username=jeedom –privatekey=%homepath%\.ssh\id_rsa –local_filename=readme.md –command=put –debug=true

SSH from your source to target host using your private key : ssh –ip= –username=jeedom –privatekey=%homepath%\.ssh\id_rsa –debug=true

Note1 : libssh2 will accept private keys in both format (RSA PRIVATE KEY or OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY)

Note2 : on linux, you can convert a public key generated by OpenSSL (in PEM format) to OpenSSH

ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f public.pem > public.pub

Note3 : libssh2 will accept public keys in OpenSSH format only (but will manage to derive the public key from the private key if you dont provide the public key)


You can push your public key like below:

ssh –ip= –username=jeedom –password=Mjeedom96 –put –filename=id_rsa.pub

ssh –ip= –username=jeedom –password=Mjeedom96 –delay=250 –command= »cat id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys »


echo « cat id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys » | ssh –ip= –username=jeedom –password=Mjeedom96

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