Yet another tool to generate a minimalist winpe iso using the Windows Assessment and Deployment Toolkit (ADK) / Winpe4 or Windows Automated Installation Kit / Winpe3.
The batch also uses wimlib to add extra files within the boot.wim file.
Alternatively, one can also use the Windows Repair Disk or Windows DVD to build a Winpe or a Windows ISO (no need for WAIK or ADK then).
One can also add Winpe packages and/or add Windows drivers and/or customize the Winpe registry
The batch will :
-create a winpe using the copype winpe command from MS ADK or MS WAIK,
-modify boot.wim to add a tinyshell (see screenshot) so that one can launch explorer++, cmd, taskmgr, penetwork, or shutdown/reboot,
-create winpe iso (less than 200 MB).
Uncompress to x:\quickpe, stuff your tools (optional) in pe_extra folder, and launch make.cmd.
Get winpe.iso in x:\quickpe\%processor_architecture%.
Future possible evolutions : turn into a GUI, …
Discuss it here
Download it here
Contact me here
Here below a screenshot of a generated WinPE with QuickPE
What command can get X64 version?
Make_pe3 and make_pe4 both get X86.
I’m a newbie in WinPE and PXE..
1,2 or 3 will generate a WINPE X86 on a X86 platform or a WINPE X64 on a X64 platform.
4,5 will make a X86 WINPE whatever platform you run it (QuickPE) from.
6,7 will make a X64 WINPE whatever paltform you run it (QuickPE) from.
OK! I got it. Thanks a lot.
Now, I will try « Boot WINPE over PXE on a UEFI computer » again.
I learned a lot of knowledge about PXE & PE in your blog.
Super projet à nouveau.
Je viens de compiler une version 64 bit.
Boot UEFI : OK
Par contre j’ai mis des programmes dedans dont ghost (ghost32.exe), j’ai une erreur : »le sous-système requis pour prendre en charge le type d’image n’est pas présent » qui je pense est normale puisque le PE n’intègre pas l’utilisation d’appli 32 bits, peux-t-on facilement rajouter cette option lors de la compilation du PE afin d’avoir les applis 32 et 64 bits qui fonctionnent.
Bonne journée
pour une version PE x64 qui supporte le 32bits, mieux vaut s’orienter vers MistyPE (chercher l’article sur forum).