Résultats de recherche : wimboot

Août 122013

I have been playing with pxe booting for a while, first starting with pxelinux, then gpxe and lately with ipxe.

I am mostly a windows user and as an IT often needs a quick (=no install) and portable (=run from USB) dhcp server including a tftp server and a http server offering me then pxe booting.
I could use tftp32 or serva but i like to make my own tools and these 2 were missing some features here and there.

So here comes a small portable dhcp server including a tftp and a http server.

This is freeware (and will always be), should be opensource and the unique here idea is to share and contribute.

-dhcp daemon supports an alternative filename based on the user-class thus enabling chainloading (gpxe->pxelinux, ipxe->script, etc), and also support settings dhcp options (which can then be used by your boot loader)
-tftp daemon supports tsize and blksize commands.
-http daemon support head, range (mandatory for ipxe sanboot options) and over 2gb iso.
-new in version : BINL (RIS & WDS) support
-new in version : DNS daemon

The root home of tftp and http is the folder where you main pxe loader sits.
I put all my iso files in a sub folder called images.
I put all my wim files in a sub folder called sources.
I put all my other loaders, in case I want to chain load, in next to my main loader (bootmgr, pxelinux, gpxe, grldr, etc)

In the attached screenshot, i load ipxe then chainloads a script (menu.ipxe).
In the script 3 different methods : the classic memdisk, a newer approach with sanboot and a new kid on the block wimboot.

More info about these loading methods here :

Side note about ipxe+sanboot+http : I am big fan.
I have always been looking for a quick and efficient boot from lan methods and this is one is great : executes as it read and faster than memdisk since no preloading of the ISO is required.
iPXE reaches 50/60 MBits/secs on my lan.

« Voila ».

Download : http://reboot.pro/files/file/303-tiny-pxe-server/


 Posted by at 13 h 38 min