Mai 102014
- TinyPXE Server : PXE boot PartedMagic over HTTP
- TinyPXE Server : PXE boot SystemRescueCD over HTTP
- Boot WINPE over PXE on a UEFI computer
- Step by step to PXE boot Linux Mint over NFS
- Gparted and PXE Booting over HTTP
- Boot Ubuntu (live) over iPXE and NFS
- Partition Wizard PXE booting over HTTP
- Clonezilla and PXE booting over HTTP
- Redo Backup Recovery and PXE booting over NFS
Hi! I’ve been testing your awesome tinyPXE server (great job btw). Could it be possible to implement in the config.INI file the extra parameters « Boot File Name » and « Option 252 » for BINL/WDS ? In that way we could autostart it without human interaction as a WDS alternative …
Keep up the good work!!
Best regards,