Déc 132015

In a previous article, we saw how I flashed my new ESP8266.

Now lets see how to « talk » with this module.

First wiring : chpd high, 3v3+gnd, tx to rx / rx to tx.

Lets launch putty,
select serial,
enter the right com port (com7 for me, using my usb to serial adapter),
select 9600 bauds (if it does not work, try 57600 or 115200).

Lets try the below command (ctrl/m + ctrl/j to enter):
-AT should respond OK
-AT+GMR should to get the firmware revision
-AT+CWMODE=3 to select AP & STA mode
-AT+CWLAP to list access points
-AT+CWJAP=“SSID”,“password” to connect to an AP
-AT+CIFSR to retrieve the ip (at this point you should be able to ping the module on your home wifi network)

  One Response to “ESP8266 Part2”

  1. […] previous article, we have seen how to talk to a 8266 thru […]

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