Oct 312017
added : new option wsMinimized in config.ini to start the app minimized
fixed : @mac,@ip,@arch added to dhcp_offer (was only dhcp_ack before)
fixed : pool start correct when opt54 set in ini file
todo : send arch in dhcp offer
added : @opt54 variable next to @mac,@ip,@arch -> similar to ${next-server} in ipxe
fixed : next server passed to send_dhcpoffer and send_dhcpack
added : will add a scrollbar when active monitor height <=600
added : vscroll=1 in config.ini will force a vertical scrollbar
fixed : option 6 dns server was wrong when choosing a different NIC
added : arch will be taken into account in the dhcp offer as well
fixed : tftpd can be disabled again in config.ini
added : will select the active nic in the opt54 combo box
modified : 2 more fields hidden and moved to the advanced part of the form
fixed : log to file is disabled
added : a syslog server is included in the zip file (syslog= in the config.ini)

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 Posted by at 20 h 10 min

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