Fév 032018

A native app is an app that will be launched as soon as the kernel initialization is completed.

It will be launched (in user mode) by the session manager (smss.exe) thru the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\BootExecute(run at every boot) or HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\setupexecute(run once only).

A native app can only use NT API functions (ntdll.dll) and not the Windows API functions.

Possible usages :
nativereg createkey \Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\Setup key1
nativereg createvalue \Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\Setup\key1 test0 8 REG_RND_SZ
nativereg createvalue \Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\Setup\key1 test1 toto REG_SZ
nativereg createvalue \Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\Setup\key1 test2 112233AABBCC REG_BINARY
nativereg createvalue \Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\Setup\key1 test3 666 REG_DWORD
nativereg deletevalue \Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\Setup\key1 test1
nativereg deletekey \Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\Setup\key1

The tool is 32 bits (a 64 bits may come later).
It works on XP and up.

Discussion here.


Jan 082018

If like me you have an old computer and dont want to install the Ubuntu update for Meltdown and Spectre ubuntu update :

  • sudo vi /etc/default/grub
  • add nopti to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT (there should be a list of parameters already like « nomdmonddf nomdmonisw nomdmonddf nomdmonisw »)
  • sudo update-grub
  • sudo reboot

check that nopti is there with cat /proc/cmdline

Mai 062017

Under some specific circumstances, it might be handy to run as system.
RunAsSys will launch a process as the local system account.
This require local admin rights.

Download it here.

 Posted by at 16 h 21 min
Déc 282016

Been a while since last article.

A quick one to post a tool I have been using lately to quickly convert VMDK to raw disks.
Indeed it is sometimes easier/quicker to install an operating system in a virtual environement but afterwards you may want to convert the vmware disk (vmdk) to a raw disk so that you can write it to another physical media (usb, hard drive, etc).

Thanks to libvmdk, a library written by Joachim Metz, it is easy to write a quick graphical frontend that will read a vmdk and write it back to a raw image.

VMDK2RAW can be downloaded here.


 Posted by at 0 h 42 min  Tagged with:
Mai 042014

A few months ago I wrote an article about Olof’s Arsenal driver.

Now is time for a command line version of ImgMount GUI named ImgMountCMD.
Exe is about 50 kb and can do as much as the GUI version.
Moreover, both the GUI and the command line version have been tested in WinPE and work fine including installing the driver.

Discuss/download it here.

The syntax for the command line is the following :

ImgMountCMD file add path
ImgMountCMD file new path size(MB)
ImgMountCMD file shm name
ImgMountCMD file remove id
ImgMountCMD vm add path
ImgMountCMD vm new size(MB)
ImgMountCMD vm remove id
ImgMountCMD pm add path
ImgMountCMD pm new size(MB)
ImgMountCMD pm remove id
ImgMountCMD list
ImgMountCMD removall
ImgMountCMD driver check
ImgMountCMD driver install driver.inf
ImgMountCMD driver remove

 Posted by at 17 h 12 min
Mar 152014

This is a simple GUI to FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS Microsoft API.

The idea is to read all clusters belonging to a file, then map these clusters on the logical drive where this file is located, and from there re assemble all clusters and save them to a new destination file.

Thanks to this method, one can save/copy a file which is in use since we « raw » read clusters from a logical drive.

This has been tested with success on \boot\bcd and \windows\system32\config\sam, files which you cannot copy in a « normal » mode.

Beware that using this method, you could end up with a corrupted dump since the file could be modified while you are reading it.

Get it on github here.


 Posted by at 16 h 15 min